well I'll be 30 weeks pregnant on monday but tonight at around 5:30 my water broke so i thought i was just peeing my pants so i changed my underwear went to the bathroom and then got in my cousins car to go to my hunters safety class when we got there i was getting ready to walk into class and it started gushing again luckily my husband and brother in-law were there getting my jeep so i said kurtis you have to take me home i just peed my pants again. so we went home and my mom said she thought it was my water so she called my aunt who was a nurse and she said to go to the hospital just to make sure and for sure it was. Valley View doesnt deliver a baby under 34 weeks so i got transfered to Dixie and im here until the baby is born he said it could be two weeks up to one month but ive been givin steroids to help the baby with his lungs and such the baby only weighs 2lbs 12oz so im hoping he will stay in there alittle bit longer but i will keep everybody updated on whats going on.
Oh NO Mandi! I hope you guys will all be okay. and healthy and happy and home soon!
Hang in there! Every day you can keep him in will help! Let us know if you need anything, seriously.
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